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About Class Act

As soon as he enters the room, Mr. Taps' engaging personality and fancy footwork entrances audiences. Ayrie King III, better known as "Mr. Taps," effortlessly glides across the floor as he demonstrates different styles of tap dancing, from Fred Astaire's innovative flair to Ann Miller's rapid-fire tapping.
Mr. Taps charismatic, high-energy performance is wonderful entertainment for families and children. Not only is he entertaining to watch, but he strongly involves the audience, teaching them how to do some fancy footwork themselves. Mr. Taps has performed at schools, colleges, theaters and festivals throughout the U.S. Workshops and residencies are also available.
Teachers Notes are available in advance for this act.
'"Mr. Taps was phenomenal and was enjoyed by everyone. He is a talented and fantastic performer. Thank you!" - Reba Wachal, Supt. of Early Childhood/Senior Social Coordinator, Berwyn Park District, Berwyn, IL
"Mr. King did an outstanding job revealing the history of tap dancing as well as bringing a message of safety relating to sex and drugs. The program was very enjoyable, entertaining and knowledgeable." - L. McElherne, Principal, Las Casas Occupational High School, Chicago, IL